Thursday, 1 October 2009

Moving Again

Well I move house yet again in the morning, although technically I didn't move last time I just kinda shoved most of my stuff in my girlfriends house and never left. We are now getting a house together and move from her house into our new home in the morning. We have now packed everything here ready for the van in the morning, I just need to go to the other house and pack most of the clothes and games I have left there. (While most of my gaming stuff will be relegated to the attic at my dad's house for quite a while) I must admit though even though its a pain in the ass at the minute, I am kinda excited about our new home.

We have just taken the Sky satellite dish down at the house we are in now as opposed to paying £60 for someone else to move it. The only problem is that my girlfriends daughter has all her toys packed away, no DVDs to watch and now no cartoon channels to watch. Thank goodness I never packed my PS3 away so she can watch the cartoons on the BBC I-Player on there. Now one stroppy kid saying I am bored over and over is now occupied for the time being, leaving us to pack up the last few things in peace. :)

Hopefully everything will run smooth in the morning, then I just have to wait until the broadband gets installed in the new house. Apparently I have a list of fun things to do until it is installed like decorating and gardening :( If I am lucky I might be able to chop down the apple tree in the back garden. :) Well best get back to packing and dreaming of online gaming again.