Thursday, 11 February 2010

Games You Should Avoid In February 2010

Well people always ask us what game should they buy next? Well screw that idea, here is a list of crap available in February 2010 that you should avoid like the plague.

The TV show was shite, if you haven't seen it basically its about this old biddy that kills people and blames it on someone else while managing to be annoying as hell in the process. The only thing I can think of that would be worse than that is this game.

Have you ever played a game with a member of your family and been so infuriated by their complete lack of skill that you just want them to take a long walk of a short pier? The longer they play the more wound up you get until you finally snap and ruin Christmas? If so then like me you should avoid this and any other game with family in the title.

American Truckers are all big fat redneck cousin marrying idiots that drive miles on open roads from one destination to the next killing hookers at truck stops and delivering their load. British Truckers are all big fat idiots that spend all the time in traffic jams and pick up hookers at night. I know I will be giving this game a miss as sitting in traffic is boring as hell, so a game letting you do the same thing couldn't be any better.

Did the makers of this game not play Crash Time I & II? This should be avoided just for having the same title as the two previous titles in the series. Heck I would rather give someone the money I would spend on the game and get them to beat me up, at least it would e less painless than the first two games.

V8 Super Stars was crap, so I am gonna apply a bit of maths to this equation. Crap + Follow Up = More Crap.

I had to look twice when I saw that this game was available to pre-order in February. If we all wanted to play a game with 2007 in the title we would have stopped buying EA games 3 years ago. Crap game, even crappier idea to release this again in 2010.

Basically fishing sucks, I don't really think I need to add anymore.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Darkday: Wrath Of Woman

It was a typical Sunday afternoon,there I was happily playing Darkstalkers: Wrath of War on my PS3. While out side the sun was shinning brightly, the birds were singing softly in the trees and everything was fine with the world. Then all of a sudden the unthinkable happened, as I suddenly saw a blank TV screen and heard the words "I am sorry!" Basically what happened was my other half unplugged the extension lead that power all of the electrical stuff needed by me to sit on my arse and play Darkstalkers.

I have now not even attempted to play the game in over a week in fear that my save file has been corrupted. I know that it was an accident but its still a bit shitty that this happened. Sure I can replay the game and catch up to where I was if the worst case scenario has indeed happened. Yet I don't know if I can really be bothered in retracing my steps again. Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed what I have played of Darkstalkers to date, but it hasn't really captured my imagination like I thought it would have done.

It clearly isn't a 10/10 game like sticker on the box says Play Magazine gave it. Maybe THQ bought themselves the 10/10 score, it wouldn't be the first time a company has bought a perfect score for a game. EDGE magazine gave the game a 60/100 which shows that not everyone gives high scores for cash. (Although that score seems a bit harsh) Hopefully soon I will get the courage to see if my save is still intact so I can finish the game, if it isn't however I think this could see me banishing the game to my shelves for quite some time to come.

I now just need to make sure that my missus never goes near a plug socket again while I am playing a game, As grown men shouldn't be forced to sulk and live in fear of having a corrupt save on their consoles.