The year started off well for me, but just a few weeks in things started getting worse. As things stand most of the problems are still there, but a few of the things causing me stress have now been sorted out. Which is a good thing as I feel the weight slowly start to lift off my shoulders and start feeling like things maybe ok after all.
A bonus thing is I am currently also looking to improve my education, and have been working towards that with the result being a pass in my first English exam yesterday. Now I just need to follow that up with my second English exam and then my Maths. I am doing it for no other reason than to prove to myself that I can better myself, and am not worthless like I have felt so many times before.

Don't trust me either, my Engrish also the suck
At the moment though it's a wait and see game with all that though, and I still have one or to other issues to deal with that are unrelated to my career. The main thing is I am feeling burnt out by everything that has happened, and just need a bit of time to relax and not worry about this or that. So as a result I am going to be taking a few days off thinking about what I have to do on Console Heroes, and just try and enjoy myself and rest up before I snap and disappear into a bottle as I have done many times in the past.

Bring on the Happy Time! (No Gayness)
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