So we fired up our 360's to jump into a party, only one problem apparently my Xbox Live Gold had ran out last week. Add in the fact that it was around 7pm at night on a sunday as well and I had little choice but to pay on my card so I could join in. So I hopped onto xbox.com and decided to just go for the monthly offer of £4.99 per month and within seconds my account was showing I now had Gold membership again. Only one problem when I turned my 360 on it said I had a silver account. After resetting and logging out and back in for 30 minutes it still said I only had Silver which pissed me off as you can't join a party chat with a Silver account.

I then hit on the idea of trying a multiplayer game hoping that would refresh my account so I could finally join the chat. So I popped in Modern Warfare 2 and attempted to join Party Chat and it worked, so I then quit to my dashboard only to be kicked out of the chat. One minute later I booted up the game and joined the party again and it worked. For some strange reason I can only join Party Chat when I have a game loaded into my 360, if not it just won't work. This morning before I came to work my 360 was still saying that I had a Silver account, while Xbox.com says I have gold. So for all the crap I have had to go through just to get into Party Chat while playing a game I proclaim that both Sony and Microsoft suck.
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