So just why do I keep doing it? I know I am not alone in doing this and many others do the same thing. I am just curious why we all keep subjecting ourselves to this kinda thing. It's a bit retarded to say the least, do we really need to see 2 Fast 2 Furious or Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift for the 5th time? Then there is always some crap film on from around the 80`s that we wouldn't watch any other day of the week like the Dolph Lundgren flop Masters of the Universe.

I really need to stop watching crap in ther early hours of the morning, if anything just for my own sanity, something that needs saving with the extra amount of crap stuff shown on TV over the festive period. If you could O.D. from watching crap TV I think I would be probably be six feet deep just from the last 2 weeks or so.
Thats not to say that some good stuff hasn't been shown, but it is all stuff I have watched before like Uncle Buck, Conan The Barbarian, Big Trouble In Little China and one or two other films everyone has seen a million times.

Could it be I am to lazy to turn the TV over or even off? I don't think it is, I just seem to be captivated and half to watch these kind of films to the end. It really is pretty sad that I am watching these films, when I have other stuff I could be doing instead, I guess I am just a sucker for watching crap and stuff I have seen many times before.
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