Here are a few games I have picked up that I am enjoying playing or due to play and maybe worth you picking up as well if you missed out on picking them up on their original release.

What can be said about FIFA 08 & 09 that you don't already know, some people consider the FIFA series to be the best football games around and at £0.48 and £2.49 (In store @ Game) respectively they are really worth picking up. Great games to play when your mates come round as there is nothing like playing FIFA against an opponent in the same room.

Prototype came out at the same time as Infamous and they have received constant comparisons to each other. Any game that plays similar to the last Hulk game and expands on that can't be a bad thing. (£12.99 in store @ Game) This is one game I look forward to playing very soon although I don't really think I should have included it in this list due to the price being over £10.

Ridge Racer used to be the arcade racer that everyone wanted to play in the Arcades and on the original Play Station. So surely the latest version of the game can't be all that bad, this is basically Ridge Racer 6 with a lick of paint so that's either a good or bad thing depending on your thoughts of the last game, at £2.99 (In store @ Gamestation) though I thought I may as well pick it up.

The Tomb Raider series has had its ups and downs with some great games as well as some piss poor games that shouldn't have been made. Tomb Raider Underworld is a return to form for the series and is worth £5 (In store @ Gamestation) of any ones money for a fun bit of adventuring.

While the story line of the game is laughable to say the least (It's mainly just Capture the Flag and Team Death Match repeated over and over) there is still no denying that the game is still fun to play. This is not the best shooter but it's a nice change of pace when you fancy a break from Modern Warfare 2 of Battlefield: Bad Company 2. (£4.99 in store @ Gamestation)
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