People like Quiz games, it's official with games like Scene It! and Buzz selling well on the 360 and PS3. There is a reason for this and that reason is they are fun to play while you have a few friends round (I.E. Mrs Flea has invited a friend and their partner round when you want to play games, so as a compromise you dig Scene It! out so you can keep playing something) One thing that makes these fun is because they have a good mix of trivia from entertainment to music to sport. So a game where the questions are all about retarded animals that you couldn't care about unless they were served on a plate with gravy and vegetables is a bad idea. Look at the box art at how much fun those people are having, that my friends is called bullshit marketing teams clutching at straws to sell shitty games to us by pretending they are fun.

Do I really need to say anything about this game? Apparently it also uses the balance board to play the game. Fatties need not apply though as you will probably see a message flash on screen saying "Your to fat to be a model!" or "Come back when your a size zero chubby!" More shovel ware for the Wii oh what a surprise! and Nintendo still wonder why the Wii is becoming the laughing stock among gamers.

Dancing on Ice is a game based on a shitty TV show that's broadcast over here in the UK. It is normally watched by women with no taste and men that more than likely bat for the other team. The game could probably give the worst movie tie-in game you can think of a run for their money. Yet another piece of crap to be released on the Wii. While I do applaud Nintendo for learning from the lack of the games released for the Gamecube, if the result of that is shite like this being released Nintendo need to go back to their stringent quality controls once again.
Games that just missed out on a place on this months list are..
- Petz Fantasy (DS)
- Fix It (Wii & DS)
- Sonny With A Chance (DS)
- Playmobil Knight (DS)
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